Thursday, December 29, 2016

All are requested to be present at netaji indoor stadium within 12.30 -1.00pm

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sokol Sodossoder janai subho bijoyar priti subheccha o valobasa...sokole valo thakben , sustho thakben.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

A general meeting will be held on 28.08.2016 at 12.00 pm at Seth Anandram Jaipuria College , 10 No. Raja Naba Krishna Street , Kolkata - 700005 (near Sovabazar Sutanati Metro Station ). All members are requested to be present in the said meeting. Agenda: 1.Analysis of Present situation of CWTT. 2. Our Future Planning 3. Membership renewal  and  new  membership  collection  4.Confirmation of  the  minutes  of  the previous meeting. 5. Miscellaneous.

Note  :  Both  the  existing  and  new  members  are  requested  to  complete  their  membership  procedure  within  7th  September , 2016.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Monday, June 6, 2016

 A general meeting will be held on 12.06.2016 (Sunday) at 11.00 am at Seth Anandram Jaipuria College , 10 No. Raja Naba Krishna Street , Kolkata - 700005 (near Sovabazar Sutanati Metro Station ). All members are requested to be present in the said meeting. Agenda: 1.Analysis of  Present situation of CWTT. 2. Our Future Planning  3. Membership renewal 4. Miscellaneous

Friday, May 27, 2016

A  meeting  will  be  held  on  12.06.2016 . Venue  and  agenda  of  the  meeting  will  be  announced later.

        Samar Biswas

Saturday, February 13, 2016

We  are  trying  for  other  demands.We  believe  that we shall  be sucessful.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-9t i

No. 155 - Edn(CS)/4A-01/2014 .                                        Dated. Kolkata. the 9th Februar)'.2016.

Pursuant to the issuance of this Department No. 1139-Edn(CS)l4A-0112014 dated 10.12.2015 conveying,inlcruliu, that the workload fbr Government-approved Contractual Whole Time Teachers (CWTT) will be enhanced by up to 50o/o over their existing workload, it is clarified that the work load for Government approved Contractual Whole Time Teachers is to be enhanced, where required / applicable by the concerned colleges in such manner that a Contractual Whole Time Teacher will be allotted not more than24 classes per week as specified in the G.O. No.952-Edn(CSyl0M-31/10 dated 09.12.2010. Besides classes, other aoademic assignments including University and College examinations will continue to be discharged by the (iovernment-approved Contractual Whole Time Teachers, as and when assigned.

                                                                                                          By order of the Governor,
                                                                                                                       Sd/- M. Ray                                                                                                                                                  Secretary
                                                                                                         Higher Education Department
                                                                                                                  Govt. of West Bengal